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Apr 30, 2013

comic page wip

doing  adult comic here a wip  of the first page =]
hope u like it folks
all rough stuff done in manga studio

Apr 20, 2013

gestures 2

more gesture drawing  done today   lost few sheets of it   cause of  power  fell here =_+


little teaser  of  one my last updates for Hentai united
began to test some  things in pait tool  and  began to be my main source of  painting  and inks
still use photoshop to do editing corrections of colors and  minor stuff cause ps  still the  king of  edits in software

but  sai is great software simple  and  not  request  much resources from cpu

if like  adult art and pinups consider join  the link on image and join by my profile on  front page
had done 179 pics (and growing) in this esclusive portfolio  and   began to write some comics to put there .... sad  the first  be silent ones cause my english (oh mr obvious attack) sucks
 cyaa folks

Apr 5, 2013

bored let's do some gestures

usually  don't post teture but this blog is seeing dust  let's post something no =]
some gestures estudies i'm doing  tis last weeks  this are from today