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Oct 9, 2009

sktech dump 15

few pages to finish moleskine book sad no =/
but have another one hell yeah \o/ after that have to buy a A4 book
hope u like it people so random like always and hate draw guns without photoreferences but these day i'm college or half time job and have to do it
this happens
c yaa guys =]


Ashiya said...

Eeeeeeeee agora dá pra eu acompanhar direitinho! Nossa continuo muuuuuito tua fan, tá tudo muito show *_* Só vai ter q me explicar o tal do moleskine...

Silent said...

A moça com a metralhadora ficou LINDO!

lubasa said...

e brigads ash o// eu demoro poko a postar mas posto um monte duma vez sempre =D

e brigado a visita tbm chuzets =3 vc devia fazer blogui tbm chuuuu o/