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Jan 30, 2009

horse sketch and other things

i'm horrible doing animals like some people knows =]
but have to try it sometimes no ?
and ink for comiss to chris =]
hope u like it people

Jan 24, 2009


comission to teri from deviantart =]

Jan 23, 2009


alguns rascunhos q fiz hj eh personage de um amigo meu mas acabei desistindo de finalizar

some sketch of caracter from saulo michelin great friend =]
but sadly give up to finished this lazy and don't turn like i think in beginng

c yaa people

Jan 20, 2009

harley quinn and lilith

some updates here =]
glad u like it people
this passing fast have some fun doing comission and other things 8D

Jan 14, 2009

chun li

little sketch of chun li =]
hope u like it people

pekeno rabisko da chun li numa pose super sexy adoro ela principalmente esse super uniforme classico do sf2
altas tardes jugando isso quando encanava aula X3

Jan 13, 2009

old work

really old work =]
hope u like it =]

Jan 3, 2009

pin up girl

comission *color sketch*
hope u like it people =]